Welding, as a special kind of work, especially engaged in pipeline welding welders, overhead welding, overhead welding, vertical welding, horizontal welding, and other positions of welding is common, welding eighteen martial arts is difficult, welders by physical, energy suffering. Pipeline welding is widely used in the energy industry, and most of the field work, therefore, more hard ten thousand times ten thousand times, look at the public technology everyone is looking forward to reduce the intensity of the field welding of pipeline. Therefore, as a scientific and technological worker engaged in welding research, he has been developing efficient welding equipment that can reduce the labor intensity of pipeline welding, among which the all-position automatic welding car is one of them, which can greatly reduce the labor intensity and skill level of welders.
In the construction of pipeline engineering, welding quality is one of the most important links to ensure engineering quality, and welding efficiency also directly affects the construction progress, that is to say, welding quality and welding progress to a great extent determine the quality and progress of the project.
With the development of oil and gas pipelines to large diameter, long distance, high strength and high pressure, the difficulty of welding is getting bigger and bigger. It is difficult to meet the requirements of pipe welding by manual arc welding and flux cored wire semi-automatic welding. This process can be easily accomplished by full position automatic welding machine.